Sega Warlords - They knew too much...

Media Peripherals
Mailbag Release Dates


Sega Warlords Mission Statement

The Staff

We’re a bunch of lucky guys who get to play video games all day, and write about our experiences with you, the reader, in order to assist you in making informed purchasing decisions. First and foremost, we’re here to serve you, the reader. We will do what we can to make each and every reader feel welcome here. We will have reviews for some of the best games ever made, and they might not all be the most popular, or the most well-known games, but they’re the games that we, as individuals, think are worthy of your time and money; if we don’t think a game is worth your time and money, we’ll let you know, we’ll always explain why we think a game is worthy or not worthy of your time and hard-earned money. The readers of the site are our lifeblood, without you, we will whither and die. We have an obligation to be honest to you, and we’ll stick with that obligation, no matter what.

Game Ratings

Our rating system is one of the most thorough in the gaming world. We don’t just give you a number rating, we’ll break that number down into tenths in an effort to give you a more accurate assessment of the game. Each of our reviewers has their own personal style. Some of us rely on our words to give you, the reader, our opinion, and then use the thorough scoring system to back up our words. Our reviewers are individuals, you will hopefully notice the subtle nuances in each reviewer’s style, we hope that at least one of us has a writing style that appeals to you.

Our Reviewing Philosophy

Keeping with the topic of our reviewers being individuals, we hope that you keep in mind the fact that all of us have our own tastes in gaming, all of us have unique expericiences in gaming, and all of us have our own personal biases (yes, you read that right, biases), we want our readers to understand that our reviews are subjective in nature, they are our opinions, and each of us bases a game on something differently. One reviewer might be new to a series and give it a 10, while a veteran of the series gives the same game a 6 because it doesn’t add anything new. Remember, everyone has their own personal biases, and they will come into play in reviews. For example, wrestling game reviews will be done by wrestling fans, each reviewer watches wrestling for a different reason, and each reviewer wants that reason to be taken into account in a wrestling game. If their reason is done well, a game is more likely to recieve a better score than if it didn’t. The same applies for football, baseball, tennis, and other sports titles. Remember, each reviewer has genre-specific preferences. Some of us don’t like first-person-shooters, while some of us love them. We’ll all try to chime in on a game and tell you why we like it or not. The fact is, no game can be reviewed objectively because you need a frame a reference to work from, continuing with the FPS scenario, one of us might compare a game to Doom, while another may compare it to Quake III, we all have our preferences, as do our readers, it is our hope that you will find a reviewer who you can relate to and who you can trust nine times out of ten.

Our Game Coverage Policy

We will cover the games that we feel are the best and brightest in the gaming industry. Keep this in mind, we will cover obscure games, you might not be able to find a game easily, but that doesn’t mean we shouldn’t cover it, we’ll do our best to cover the games that we feel are worthy of coverage. Games that we feel aren’t worthy of coverage won’t receive it, don’t worry though, we’ll at least give you a reason why “X-Game” wasn’t covered.

This is a Site By the Readers, For the Readers

I hate to use a cliche as a title, but it fits SW to a glove. If you want more coverage of something, like a game, or a company, drop us a line via e-mail, or post on the message board. We’ve got an entire board dedicated to suggestions for the site, and that board is there, for you, the reader. We at SW have no problem doing something new, as long as we don’t that it will hurt the site. -Gamefan2K